Homecoming Farm has Closed.
During 2024, this Sacred Land (that has been a source of nourishment for so many),
will rest and restore with the use of a cover crop rotation that will continue to
feed the bees in our Apiary as well as other pollinators,
and worms and microbes that live in our soil.
In 2023, the land where the farm grew,
was placed in an Easement with The Peconic Land Trust.
This exciting and hopeful news insures the land is preserved from future development
that is not in alignment with sustainable agriculture.
During 2024, the Sisters of St. Dominic of Amityville will engage in a visioning process to determine how the land will be used moving forward.
We thank you for your interest and your love and support over the last 27 years.
Your life is forever entwined with the soil and the life that was Homecoming Farm.
We wish you Peace.